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Detailed Information

URL:     http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FederationforIndependentStudy/

Title:     FederationforIndependentStudy

Description:     The Federation for the Independent Study of the Harmonious Development of Man is an organization founded by a student of the Gurdjieff tradition who has been studying for 28 years. It is authorized by and supported by his teacher, one of the last living students of G.I. Gurdjieff. Its mission is to provide resources and a forum for those independent students and groups of G.I. Gurdjieff who wish to pursue their search in their own specific or unusual way. The Federation encourages all individuals experienced with the work to found their own groups, teaching their own special skill, with the aim of spreading the understanding gathered by Mr. Gurdjieff and his many students into a world in desperate need of such help. Membership required.

Directory:     Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Fourth_Way/Chats_and_Forums


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