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URL:     http://www.bcg.com/publications/publications_search_results.jsp?analyze=0&coMiLanguage=en&pmLanguage=001&START_IT=0&SEARCH_TYPE=word&ORDER_BY=&DISPLAY=1&FORM_STATUS=submitted&INDUSTRY=&FUNCTION=&PUB_TYPE=&LANGUAGE=&WORD=Innovation&KEYWORD_OPTION=exact&SEARCH_TITLE_ABSTRACT=1&SEARCH_AUTHOR=1&SEARCH_FULL_TEXT=1

Title:     BCG Publications - "Innovation"

Description:     Boston Consulting Group (BCG) have recently started coming up with some very interesting articles on innovation, and although they don't seem to have an innovation specific section to their site - or to their consulting practice - doing a quick search for "innovation" on their publications section will reveal some great nuggets of information.

Directory:     Reference/Knowledge_Management/Knowledge_Creation/Innovation_and_Idea_Management


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