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Directory > Arts > Education > Language Arts > English > English as a Second Language > Language Schools > Europe > United Kingdom > England > Kent

Web Sitesi

Margate Language Centre
Offering group and exam preparation courses. Located in Kent, England.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Excel Communication Institute
Offers intensive and one-to-one training for business and professionals.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Folkstone: Academy of English Studies
Specializes in English for Special Purposes(EAP).
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Broadstairs: Kent School of English
Provides short English language courses for young people, adults, teachers and groups. Trinity
College Certificate in TESOL, teacher training and Cambridge First Certificate examination offered.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Canterbury: Pilgrims English Language Courses
Offers ESL and teacher training courses for children, teachers, and business.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Canterbury: Stafford House School of English
Provides contact information and brief overview of courses.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Canterbury: English Homestay
Offers full immersion teaching of the English language.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Ramsgate: Contact English
UK business services school offering professional and commercial contacts, business and vocational
courses, job finding, work placements, university preparation, intensive British and American ESL
lessons online, and homestays, leisure, holidays, and vacations for senior citizens.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Ramsgate: Churchill House School of English Language
Large, multilingual website for recognized language school in the south of England offering high
quality ESL courses.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Bromley: Bromley Language Centre
Offers ESL in a standard group course, intensive, semi-private or one-to-one. Special business and
executive courses, part-time courses and a junior study vacation.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Ramsgate: The Regency School of English
Offers ESL tuition as recognized by the British Council.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check


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