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Austen%2C Jane
Directory > Arts > Literature > Authors > A > Austen%2C Jane

Abbey, Edward (21) Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (10) Angel, Ralph (1)
Abbey, Lynn (2) Alegría, Claribel (1) Angell, Jeannette (1)
Abbott, Edwin A. (2) Aleixandre, Vicente (0) Angelou, Maya (6)
Abe, Kobo (11) Alexander, Elizabeth (1) Anka, Michael (1)
Achebe, Chinua (12) Alexie, Sherman (56) Annensky, Innokenty (2)
Ackroyd, Peter (7) Alferi, Pierre (0) Anouilh, Jean (1)
Acosta, Oscar Zeta (0) Alger, Horatio (26) Anthony, Piers (31)
Adams, Deborah (1) Algren, Nelson (7) Antoni, Robert (2)
Adams, Douglas (117) Allen, John (1) Antoniou, Laura (4)
Adams, Henry (7) Allende, Isabel (9) Apollinaire, Guillaume (0)
Adams, Léonie (1) Allingham, William (1) Apperley, Charles James (2)
Adams, Richard (22) Allison, Dorothy (1) Aragon, Louis (4)
Adams, Robert (2) Almond, David (5) Archer, Fred (1)
Addison, Joseph (15) Altenberg, Peter (1) Archer, Jeffrey (4)
Addonzio, Kim (1) Alvarez, Aldo (1) Armand, Louis (1)
Ade, George (1) Amado, Jorge (3) Armantrout, Rae (3)
Adler, Warren (1) Ames, Joye (1) Arnold, H. F. (1)
Agee, James (3) Amichai, Yehuda (1) Arnold, Matthew (8)
Agnon, Shmuel Yosef (1) Amis, Kingsley (4) Arnow, Harriet (12)
Agüeros, Jack (1) Amis, Martin (10) Artaud, Antonin (8)
Agustini, Delmira (1) Ammons, A. R. (3) Artmann, Hans Carl (1)
Aiken, Conrad (4) Andahazi, Federico (1) Ashbery, John (8)
Akenside, Mark (1) Andersen, Hans Christian (50) Asimov, Isaac (21)
Akers, Brian Dana (1) Anderson, Catherine (2) Astor, John Jacob (1)
Akhmatova, Anna (8) Anderson, Kevin J. (4) Asturias, Miguel Ángel (1)
Akutagawa, Ryunosuke (2) Anderson, Scoular (1) Auden, W. H. (44)
Alberti, Rafael (2) Anderson, Sherwood (15) Austen, Jane (97)
Alcosser, Sandra (1) Andres, Stefan (1) Auster, Paul (8)
Alcott, Louisa May (51) Andrews, V. C. (22) Aylett, Steve (2)
Aldiss, Brian W. (4)

Web Sitesi

Alighieri, Dante
Italian poet and writer. Brief biography and list of works.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Acker, Kathy
Collection of links for controversial author who died on November 30, 1997.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Azcona, Maria Cristina
Poetess and editor from Argentina. Details of publications, editing activity, poetry, contact and
purchasing information.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Atkins, Darrin
Specializes in crime and big-city trouble books, American living, and general fiction. Details of
publications, contact information, brief synopsis and purchase details.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Amor, Daniel
Multi-language site providing details of publications as well as summaries, tables of contents,
forewords, introduction, sample chapters, read or submit reviews, as well as purchase details.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Ash, Sally
Brief synopsis of works 'Hedge of Thorns', 'Matutu and Rapunzel' and 'Rapunzel'. Provides links to
publisher, contact details and sales.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check


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