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Bront%EB%2C Emily
Directory > Arts > Literature > Authors > B > Bront%EB%2C Emily

Babel, Isaac (8) Bergstrom, Elaine (2) Brands, H. W. (1)
Bach, Richard (25) Bernanos, Georges (3) Brann, William Cowper (11)
Bache, Ellyn (7) Bernstein, Charles (7) Brant, Sebastian (1)
Bachmann, Ingeborg (8) Berry, Iris (2) Brautigan, Richard (5)
Backer, Sara (4) Berry, Wendell (6) Brecht, Bertolt (22)
Bail, Murray (4) Berryman, John (4) Breton, André (7)
Baillie, Joanna (5) Berssenbrugge, Mei-Mei (8) Brisby, Stewart (1)
Bain, Darrell (3) Betjeman, John (4) Briscoe, Connie (1)
Bai Juyi (7) Bialosky, Jill (3) Brodsky, Joseph (7)
Baker, Lori (2) Bidart, Frank (3) Bronk, William (1)
Baker, Nicholson (6) Bioy Casares, Adolfo (3) Brontë, Anne (12)
Baldacci, David (5) Bishop, Elizabeth (6) Brontë, Branwell (1)
Ball, Hugo (5) Bishop, John Peale (3) Brontë, Charlotte (31)
Ballard, J. G. (9) Black, Millenia (1) Brontë, Emily (29)
Bantock, Nick (4) Blacker, Terence (4) Brooke, Rupert (13)
Baraka, Imamu Amiri (6) Blackmore, R. D. (6) Brooks, Gwendolyn (3)
Barbauld, Anna L. (12) Blackmore, Richard (1) Brooks, K. S. (1)
Barnes, Djuna (7) Blackwood, Algernon (12) Broome, William (1)
Barnes, John Alvah, Jr. (1) Blake, William (40) Brown, Charles Brockden (6)
Barnes, Julian (8) Blamire, Susanna (3) Brown, Dan (2)
Barnes, Zoë (2) Blanchot, Maurice (4) Brown, Rosellen (10)
Barney, Natalie Clifford (3) Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente (3) Brown, Sterling A. (2)
Barrett, Robert G. (3) Blevins, Richard (1) Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (19)
Barrie, James M. (23) Bloch, Robert (4) Browning, Robert (21)
Barry, Max (6) Bluehorse, Elizabeth (1) Brownrigg, Elizabeth (1)
Barstow, Stan (3) Bluger, Marianne (3) Bruchac, Joseph (7)
Barth, John (6) Bly, Robert (11) Brussig, Thomas (3)
Barthelme, Donald (8) Blyler, David (3) Bryher (1)
Barthelme, Frederick (7) Bogan, Louise (5) Bryson, Michael (1)
Basho, Matsuo Munefusa (6) Bogner, Norman (1) Büchner, Georg (4)
Bass, Rick (14) Bok, Edward (3) Buck, Janet I. (2)
Bates, Katherine Lee (6) Boland, Eavan (7) Buck, Pearl S. (10)
Baudelaire, Charles (11) Böll, Heinrich (3) Bukowski, Charles (80)
Beai, Steve (4) Bolton, Isabel (4) Bulgakov, Mikhail (6)
Bechard, Gorman (2) Bontempelli, Massimo (1) Bunyan, John (33)
Becke, George Lewis (6) Boof, Kola (4) Burchill, Julie (3)
Beckett, Samuel (23) Booth, Philip (3) Bürger, Gottfried August (1)
Beebe, William (3) Boran, Pat (2) Burgess, Anthony (28)
Behan, Brendan (4) Borchert, Wolfgang (2) Burke, James (2)
Behn, Aphra (10) Borges, Jorge Luis (33) Burke, Martyn (1)
Beilharz, Johannes (4) Boris, Cynthia (1) Burney, Frances (12)
Bell, Madison Smartt (7) Boswell, James (5) Burns, Robert (29)
Bell, Marvin (7) Bottoms, David (1) Burroughs, Edgar Rice (128)
Bellamann, Henry (1) Bowers, Edgar (2) Burroughs, William S. (38)
Bellamann, Katherine Jones (1) Bowles, Jane (5) Busch, Wilhelm (5)
Bellamy, John Stark (3) Bowles, Paul (11) Butler, Ellis Parker (5)
Belloc, Bessie Rayner (7) Boyars, Arthur (1) Butler, James L. (1)
Belloc, Hilaire (31) Boyd, William (2) Butler, Octavia (4)
Bellow, Saul (14) Boyett-Compo, Charlotte (1) Butler, Samuel (18)
Benedikt, Michael (3) Boyle, T. Coraghessan (3) Butler, Samuel, The Older (4)
Bennett, Arnold (13) Bracken, Michael (1) Byatt, A. S. (13)
Bennett, John (1) Bradstreet, Anne (7) Byer, Kathryn Stripling (4)
Bentinck, Michael (1) Bragg, Melvyn (9) Byron, George Gordon (33)
Bentley, Edmund Clerihew (2)

Web Sitesi

Burr, Catherine
Canadian-born writer based in California. Books include the humorous "Motherhood Is Not for
Wimps" and the novel "Silicone Secrets." Biography with photo.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Elizabeth Baines
Bibliography, reviews, and reading group discussions from the author's homepage.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Molly Brown
An interview with the historical fiction author.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

The Writing of John Burroughs
Presenting the author's books and articles in html format. Site also contains reviews and
bibliographical information.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Ellie Belew
Author site includes biography, information about her published works, and her upcoming book tour.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Charles Blackstone
Author's site includes biography, list of works, online writings, and opinion articles.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Alan Behr
Author's site contains a series of articles, information and excerpts from his first novel, and
samples of his travel photography.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

For Those Who Dream By Nightlight
Homepage of novelist Tim Brice includes personal and book details, art, and links.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Robert Bove
Author's page includes biography, book information, and writing samples.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Joe Bright
Biography of the California screenwriter and novelist, and information and reviews about his works.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Joseph Bosco
Author-journalist's homepage includes current and archived articles, biographical information, and
a bibliography.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Karen Brichoux
The author's web site includes biographical information, photos, information and excerpts from her
titles, and a newsletter.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Alafair Burke
Official site includes author bio, press releases, forum, and information about her first novel,
Judgment Calls.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Books by Anthony Bruce and a profile of the author.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Among Friends
Biography, bibliography, and books by columnist Tad Bartimus.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Bloomberg, Sandi
Poet, essayist, short story and children's book author.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Blake, Michael
Novelist and screenwriter who produced the novel and screen treatment of Dances with Wolves.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Bain, Donald
Ghost writer of 80 books over 35 years. Under his own name he has published an autobiography: Every
Midget Has an Uncle Sam Costume.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Burleson, Clyde W
Author of fourteen published books and novels. Recent work includes 'The Jennifer Project' a
"true Cold War tale of high-tech espionage, money, power, and politics."

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check


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