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Directory > Arts > Literature > Children%2525252525252525252525252527s

Authors (11573) Electronic Text Archives (77) Performance (7)
Awards and Bestsellers (39) Festivals (14) Periods and Movements (367)
Biography (26) Fiction (11) Poetry (1918)
Chats and Forums (14) Genres (6846) Reading Groups (153)
Children's (1430) Journals (66) Reviews and Criticism (336)
Cultural (222) Magazines and E-zines (145) Short Stories (29)
Directories (31) Myths and Folktales (504) Titles (0)
Drama (951) Online Reading (71) World Literature (5748)

Web Sitesi

A Collection of Classics
Lets users explore the meaning of a "classic," introduces users to the authors who have
written classics, gets users on the path to making their own classics.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Electronic Literature Directory
A comprehensive database of listings for electronic works, their authors, and their publishers. The
descriptive entries cover poetry, fiction, drama, and nonfiction that makes significant use of
electronic techniques.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

An Animated History of Books
Starts with the cavemen, then moves all the way to the present and projections for the future.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

The Independent Literature Institute
A non-profit co-operative for self-publishing authors and independent publishers.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Reading list for university study, with synopses, background and selected texts for works covered.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

A Celebration of Women Writers
Comprehensive listing of links to biographical and bibliographical information about women writers,
and complete published books written by women. Searchable by time period, country, and author's
last name.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Invisible Library
A collection of imaginary authors and titles mentioned within real books.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

How to Excel in an Undergraduate Literature Course
Advice from a professor on what to expect and how to excel in college literature courses.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Littera Scripta
E-mail lists and conferences relating to books, reading, and literature.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Bartleby.com's publication of Brewer's classic. Includes derivation, source, or origin of common
phrases, allusions, and words.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

E-texts and free study guides on the Internet, written entirely by Harvard students and teachers.
Includes plot summaries and discussion forums.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

The Libyrinth
Site focuses on 20th century contemporary literature and author resources available online.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

The Electronic Labyrinth
Both utilizes and focuses upon the medium of hypertext as it relates to literature and its concrete
manifestations--from palimpsests to mechanically printed books to CD-ROMs -- throughout history to
the present, with speculation on the future.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check


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