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Directory > Arts > Literature > Children's > Authors


Web Sitesi

Peake, Joan
(Official site) Author of "Great Gran's Diary" and books based on her childhood

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Prince, Alison
(Official site) The creator of the BBC series 'Trumpton' talks about her life and books.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Polacco, Patricia
Provides author information, books, current news, activities, and a forum.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Pattison, Darcy
(Official site) Provides resources for selecting children's books, and information on Darcy
Pattison's work.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Palmer, Dandi
(Official site) Contains excerpts and illustrations from the author's books.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Parker, Marjorie Blain
(Official site) Author of "Jasper's Day" and "Ice Cream Everywhere!". Features
biography and personal data, book reviews, and school visits information.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Paterson, Brian
(Official site) Creator of Zigby the Zebra character. Contains book reviews and samples, colour in,
reading activities, wallpapers, and competition. [Flash]

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Pearsall, Shelley
(Official site) Includes biography, teacher resources, book information, interview, and details on
workshops and author visits.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Peters, Lisa Westberg
(Official site) Author of picture books, many with a science-related theme. Includes biography,
writing and reading tips, book information.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Points, Larry
(Official site) Co-author of children's nature books about Assateague Island's wild ponies,
Atlantic Coast beaches, and barrier island birds. Information for teachers, order form, and
author's biography.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Park, Frances and Ginger
(Official site) Features information on the two sisters, interviews, awards, and book reviews.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Pollock, Penny
Official web site includes author's biography, school visiting details, publication information,
and links to children's literature resources.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Parker, Nancy Winslow
List of books, paintings, and profile of the author and illustrator.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Palatini, Margie
(Official site) Introduces the award-winning author and her books.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Pilkey, Dav | Web Site O' Fun
(Official site) Author/illustrator Dav Pilkey of "The Adventures of Captain Underpants"
has a predictably unpredictable website with lots of interesting stuff for kids, parents, and

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Peters, Julie Anne
(Official site) Tells about author Julie Anne Peters and her books. Includes excerpt from her
newest title.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw
(Official site) Provides biographical sketch of Dorothy Hinshaw Patent, as well as information on
Patent's recent projects and how you can book her for a school visit.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Paterson, Katherine
(Official site) Includes Katherine Paterson's answers to frequently asked questions, short
biography, and information on her works.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check


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