Directory > Arts > Music > Education > Academic Departments > Technology Full Sail [Orlando, FL, US] Audio recording courses lead to an Associate of Science degree, or may be combined with courses in entertainment business resulting in a Bachelor of Science degree. Also teaches digital media, film, video, live show production, game design and computer animation. Online chat. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Mission College [Santa Clara, CA, US] Teaching MIDI, audio for film and the Internet, sampling and hard disc recording, Macintosh-based. Equipment specifications. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Shoreline Community College [Shoreline, WA, US] Two-year degree programs with emphasis in MIDI, recording engineering, and music merchandising. Detalied course listings. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Cedar Valley College [Lancaster, TX, US] Offers four Associate of Arts degree programs in recording technology and commercial music, established 1977. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama [Cardiff, Wales, UK] Training covers synthesizer basics and voice editing techniques, MIDI principles and application, multi-track recording, computer music software, sound recording techniques, digital sampling, hard-disk recording systems, desktop music publishing, history, analysis and techniques of electro-acoustic composition, and making music for film, animation and video. Uses five studios built around Sony digital multi-track recorder. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Salisbury College [Wiltshire, UK] Offers courses in audio production, arranging and songwriting. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Julliard Music Technology Center [New York, NY, US] Teaches the use of computers in audio production and film scoring. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Foothill College [Los Altos Hills, CA, US] Offers courses in sound reinforcement, audio production and multi-track recording leading either to an Associate of Arts degree or a skills certificate. Programs, admissions, history, photos. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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