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Sabato, Antonio, Jr. (9) Sheedy, Ally (3) Sparks, Hal (17)
Sachs, Andrew (6) Sheen, Charlie (6) Spears, Jamie (2)
Sachs, Robin (4) Sheen, Martin (6) Speed, Carol (2)
Sadler, William (4) Sheh, Charmaine (1) Speedman, Scott (2)
Sagal, Jean and Liz (4) Shelley, Barbara (2) Speer, Hugo (2)
Sagal, Katey (5) Shepard, Sam (5) Spelling, Tori (3)
Salenger, Meredith (6) Shepherd, Cybill (3) Spence, Sebastian (9)
Salonga, Lea (17) Shepis, Tiffany (2) Spencer, Bud (4)
Sanchez, Marco (5) Sheppard, Paula E. (2) Spencer, Chris (1)
Sanchez, Roselyn (10) Sher, Antony (3) Spencer, Jesse (4)
Sanderson, William (5) Sheridan, Ann (3) Spencer, John (5)
Sandler, Adam (25) Sheridan, Nicolette (8) Spiner, Brent (6)
Sands, Julian (9) Sherman, Bobby (16) Sprouse, Cole (1)
Sandy, Gary (5) Sherwood, Brad (3) Sprouse, Dylan (1)
Santo-Tomas, Hilda (3) Shields, Brooke (13) St. John, Austin (5)
San Giacomo, Laura (6) Shigeta, James (4) Stabile, Nick (2)
Sara, Mia (5) Shimerman, Armin (2) Stacy, James (2)
Sarandon, Susan (10) Shipman, Nell (6) Stahl, Nick (3)
Sasso, Will (6) Shire, Talia (2) Stallone, Sylvester (10)
Satchwell, Brooke (3) Shockley, William (3) Stamos, John (5)
Saucedo, Michael (2) Shor, Miriam (4) Stamp, Terence (4)
Saunders, Jennifer (8) Shore, Dinah (1) Stansfield, Claire (4)
Savalas, Telly (4) Shore, Pauly (2) Stanton, Molly (1)
Sawa, Devon (17) Short, Martin (4) Stanwyck, Barbara (11)
Sawalha, Julia (7) Shue, Elisabeth (13) Stapleton, Jacinta (1)
Scacchi, Greta (5) Siddig, Alexander (3) Starke, Anthony (2)
Scales, Prunella (5) Siedow, Jim (4) Starzyk, David (1)
Scarwid, Diana (1) Sigler, Jamie Lynn (3) Stearns, Jeff (1)
Schaech, Johnathon (5) Sikking, James (1) Steele, Barbara (2)
Schafer, Natalie (2) Silver, Joel (3) Steen, Jessica (6)
Schaffel, Marla (4) Silverheels, Jay (2) Stefanson, Leslie (1)
Scheider, Roy (4) Silverman, Sarah (2) Steiger, Rod (1)
Schell, Maximilian (4) Silverstone, Alicia (45) Stein, Ben (4)
Schellenberg, August (4) Silverstone, Ben (6) Stephens, Toby (2)
Schenkenberg, Marcus (4) Simcoe, Anthony (0) Stephenson, Nicola (1)
Scherrer, Paul (2) Simm, John (6) Sterling, Mindy (1)
Schiff, Richard (1) Simmons, Henry (7) Stern, Daniel (1)
Schmid, Kyle (1) Simmons, J.K. (1) Stern, Howard (35)
Schnarre, Monika (3) Simmons, Jean (5) Stevens, Andrew (1)
Schneider, Rob (14) Simmons, Richard (12) Stevens, Brinke (2)
Schneider, Romy (2) Sinatra, Frank (47) Stevens, Fisher (3)
Schreiber, Liev (7) Singer, Lori (8) Stevens, Lee (1)
Schroder, Rick (6) Sinise, Gary (4) Stevens, Warren (1)
Schroeder, Carly (2) Sirtis, Marina (7) Stevenson, Cynthia (1)
Schub, Steve (1) Sisto, Jeremy (3) Stevenson, Juliet (4)
Schultz, Dwight (3) Sitka, Emil (1) Stevenson, Parker (4)
Schwartzman, Jason (2) Sizemore, Tom (5) Stewart, Catherine Mary (6)
Schwarzenegger, Arnold (22) Skelton, Red (5) Stewart, Ewan (6)
Schweig, Eric (7) Skelton, Roy (5) Stewart, French (2)
Schwimmer, David (8) Sky, Jennifer (3) Stewart, James (5)
Scofield, Paul (5) Skye, Azura (2) Stewart, Jon (14)
Scoggins, Tracy (4) Slater, Christian (12) Stewart, Patrick (12)
Scorupco, Izabella (3) Slattery, Tony (2) Stewart, Paul Anthony (2)
Scott, Ashley (4) Slavin, Danny (2) Stiers, David Ogden (1)
Scott, Campbell (4) Slezak, Erika (3) Stiles, Julia (11)
Scott, Coltin (1) Sloane, Lindsay (1) Stiles, Ryan (9)
Scott, Dougray (7) Smallwood, Tucker (1) Stiller, Ben (13)
Scott, George C. (11) Smart, Amy (5) Stockwell, Dean (7)
Scott, Jason-Shane (2) Smiley, Tava (2) Stockwell, John (2)
Scott, Seann (5) Smith, Anna Nicole (20) Stoll, Clifford (2)
Scott, Tom Everett (4) Smith, Charles Martin (1) Stoltz, Eric (10)
Scott, William Lee (2) Smith, Danny (3) Stone, Sharon (18)
Scott Thomas, Kristin (4) Smith, Gregory (3) Storke, Adam (3)
Scott Thomas, Serena (4) Smith, Hillary B. (2) Storm, Gale (34)
Scrimm, Angus (2) Smith, Jaclyn (6) Storm, T. J. (2)
Seagal, Steven (16) Smith, Jacob (9) Storms, Kirsten (20)
Seberg, Jean (3) Smith, Kerr (2) Stowe, Madeleine (9)
Secor, Kyle (5) Smith, Kevin Tod (11) Strasser, Robin (2)
Sedaris, Amy (1) Smith, Lauren Lee (2) Strathairn, David (3)
Sedgwick, Edie (7) Smith, Lewis (1) Stratten, Dorothy (3)
Seeberg, Xenia (5) Smith, Maggie (5) Streep, Meryl (7)
Seigner, Emmanuelle (2) Smith, Riley (7) Streisand, Barbra (18)
Seinfeld, Jerry (2) Smith, Shawnee (5) Stringfield, Sherry (2)
Selby, David (8) Smith, Will (26) Strong, Danny (1)
Selleck, Tom (7) Smith, William (2) Strong, Rider (2)
Sellers, Peter (14) Smits, Jimmy (18) Stroud, Don (1)
Sergei, Ivan (1) Snipes, Wesley (12) Stroumboulopoulos, George (3)
Serkis, Andy (3) Snow, Brittany (9) Struycken, Carel (3)
Server, Josh (5) Sobieski, Leelee (9) Stuart, Katie (3)
Sessions, John (5) Sofer, Rena (1) Stubbs, Imogen (6)
Settle, Matthew (1) Sokoloff, Marla (4) Studi, Wes (2)
Sever, Rita (1) Solowitz, Alex (5) Sullivan, Nicole (1)
Severance, Joan (5) Somers, Suzanne (3) Sursok, Tammin Pamela (2)
Sevier, Corey (1) Sommer, Elke (3) Sutherland, Catherine (1)
Sevigny, Chloë (7) Sondheim, Stephen (9) Sutherland, Donald (3)
Sewell, Rufus (7) Sonny and Cher (4) Sutherland, Kiefer (10)
Seymour, Jane (8) Sorbo, Kevin (22) Suvari, Mena (16)
Shandling, Garry (2) Sorkin, Aaron (4) Svenska, Anneka (2)
Shanks, Michael (9) Sorvino, Mira (21) Swaby, Donn (3)
Shannon, Molly (4) Sosa, Ivette (2) Swain, Dominique (3)
Shatner, William (20) Soto, Talisa (8) Swank, Hilary (5)
Shaud, Grant (2) Soul, David (3) Swanson, Gloria (4)
Shaver, Helen (5) Soundarya (3) Swanson, Kristy (4)
Shaw, Fiona (6) Spacek, Sissy (1) Swayze, Patrick (6)
Shaw, Robert (2) Spacey, Kevin (36) Sweeney, D. B. (3)
Shea, Christopher (1) Spade, David (3) Sweeney, Julia (2)
Shea, John (3) Spader, James (8) Sweetin, Jodie (3)
Sheard, Michael (4) Spall, Timothy (8) Szarabajka, Keith (1)
Shearer, Norma (5) Sparks, Dana (3)


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