Directory > Computers > Internet > Domain Names > Disputed Domain Names >, and others Court Permits Mall Critic Site to Stay Online "A federal appeals court on March 11 overturned a district court's order for Dallas man to remove from the Internet, allowing the critic's site to stay online while a lawsuit is pending." [Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press] Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Court Rules for Critic of Taubman "A federal appeals court on Friday overturned a 2001 ruling, and unanimously ruled that a Texas man can keep a Web site that sharply criticizes shopping mall giant Taubman Centers Inc." By David Shepardson. [Detroit News] Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Export Report of Milton Mueller Testimony of pro-bono expert witness for the defendant Milton Mueller, leading authority on domain name trademark conflicts. (PDF) Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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"Google Still Finds It Because Google Searches the Whole Thing." "Here's a story about a man who created a fan site about a nearby mall--and, get this--was promptly sued by the mall owners for trademark infringement." By Gary Boone. [The Universal Machine] Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Taubman Sucks Defendant Hank Mishkoff's extensively documented chronicle of Taubman v. Mishkoff and his experiences as pro se defendant, with text and images of legal filings. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Of Course, It's the Sharks That Win "Who exactly, besides the lawyers, is gaining from any of this? Certainly not Taubman's client, who have to pay for what is fast looking like a lost cause on their part, and even if they do win, any financial retribution will not cover their lawyers' fees at all." [The Boston Diaries] Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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ACLU Backs Yahoo, 'Cybergriper' in Free-Speech Cases "The American Civil Liberties Union is speaking out on behalf of giant Web directory Yahoo and a small-business operator in Texas - both involved in high-profile lawsuits the ACLU says threaten U.S. rights to free speech on the Internet." By Steven Bonisteel. [Newsbytes] Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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"Sucks" Domains Are OK, Says US Appeals Court "The US 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Friday that a Texas man who registered several domain names including the name of a shopping mall with the suffix 'sucks' to denote a site that criticised that mall, did not confuse internet users or infringe the mall's trade marks." [] Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Sixth Circuit Supports Sucks Sites "Reversing the court below, the Sixth Circuit dissolved an injunction which enjoined defendants from using plaintiff's trademarks in conjunction with the word 'sucks' in the domain name of several 'complaint' sites, as well as in the domain name of a non-commercial 'fan' site." By Martin H. Samson, Esq. [Chilling Effects Clearinghouse] Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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If You Follow a Few Simple Rules, You Can Cybergripe All You Want "As long as the cybergriper keeps any commercial elements off the site, and also uses a simple disclaimer, it looks like people should also avoid picking a fight with those who know how to upload a few kilobytes." [Sneaking Suspicions] Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Amendment Doesn't Suck "Yesterday we shouted from rooftops to make a point. Today we do so by way of Internet domain names such as" [Metro Times Detroit] Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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It Doesn't "Not for a cyber-griper who won a legal victory against his corporate nemesis." By Mark Donald. [Dallas Observer] Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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