Directory > Computers > Programming > Languages > C > User Groups Visual C++ Developer Offers user groups on programming language Visual C++, links to source code, on-line store and CD-Rom products.!openform Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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C Programming Club Come and share your current projects, get help to solve a bug or anything related to programming in C or C++. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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LWG Java/C/C++ User Group Programmers will find articles, references, book reviews, an interactive forum and book discounts. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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The C Acorn User Group (CAUG) A special interest group of The Association of C and C++ Users and supports users of C, C++ and Java on Acorn RISC OS computers. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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C++ and Java SIG Special Interest Group of the New York PC Users Group, meets on first Thursday of each month in N.Y. City, presents speakers on object-oriented development. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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C/C++ Users Group: CUG Since 1981, our mission has been promoting user-supported software: shareware, Free Software, Open Source; libraries and tools. Supports all compilers and platforms. Members have contributed over 400 libraries and tools. Big resource. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Association of C and C++ Users: ACCU Non-profit organization devoted to professionalism at all levels of C, C++, Java. Community of professional programmers, compiler suppliers, anyone interested in these languages and/or seeking to improve skills. Excellent resource. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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