Directory > Computers > Software > Globalization > Programming Languages > Visual Basic Localization Guru A software tool for Visual Basic programmers that enables a application to support multiple languages. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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MULTILIZER Visual Basic Edition is your complete solution for upgrading existing and adapting new VB applications to the international market place. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Michael Kaplan- Author of Internationalization of Visual Basic Will cover the issues of Internationalization and Localization of applications and components in Visual Basic. It will touch on all aspects of i18N/L10N/m18N, going beyond the obvious issues related to writing Internationally friendly components and making sure to delve into important issues with the localization process, working with databases, handling Internet components, helpful documentation, and HTML Help. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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ResMe String Extractor ResMe makes the first step of localization extremely simple because it automatically moves hard-coded user interface strings into a resource file. ResMe is a string extraction utility that removes only "the right strings" from your Visual BasicĀ® source code, replaces them with a LoadResString() reference, and places the extracted strings in a .RES resource file. Many days of tedious, error prone work can be reduced to a few minutes of automated processing! While ResMe performs about 98% of the work, it is still necessary for a programmer to inspect which strings should and shouldn't be moved to the Resource file. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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VB Language Manager Pro Manages the localization process from start to finish. You maintain a single unmodified copy of original source code, and build localized versions in unlimited national languages. VBLM does everything but translate, and it even helps with that! Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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