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Visual Basic
Directory > Computers > Software > Globalization > Software and Tools > Localization > Visual Basic

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Specialized in delivering high quality development tools for Visual Basic programmers.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

ResMe Visual Basic Localization String Extractor
ResMe makes the first step of localization extremely simple because it automatically moves
hard-coded user interface strings into a resource file. ResMe is a string extraction utility that
removes only "the right strings" from your Visual BasicĀ® source code, replaces them with
a LoadResString() reference, and places the extracted strings in a .RES resource file. Many days of
tedious, error prone work can be reduced to a few minutes of automated processing! While ResMe
performs about 98% of the work, it is still necessary for a programmer to inspect which strings
should and shouldn't be moved to the Resource file.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

The Visual Basic 6
If you need to localize your application, VB has a lot of limitations. It pretty much requires the
localizer to own VB so they can translate, and resize, and then recompile your application. Our
Win32Dialog tools provide a better way--an add-in the developer runs that creates Win32 dialog
resources that look just like your VB forms, and a runtime class that resizes/translates your VB
form to match those resources. To localize, you simply send the .RES file or a .DLL to your
localizer, and they do the work using the same tools they would use for C++ or other applications.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

VB Language Manager Pro
VBLM manages the localization process. You maintain a single unmodified copy of original source
code, and build localized versions in an unlimited number of national languages. Works in three
steps: Click Extract to search your code for strings and extract them into a new VBLM project file;
click New Language and use the Language Table Editor to enter and/or manage translation. Finally,
click Build and in seconds watch your application speak a new language.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check


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