Directory > Games > Miniatures > Science Fiction > Battlefleet Gothic A Review of BattleFleet Gothic Evaluation of BFG which includes a revised combat table which reflects the size of certain targets. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Port Maw Extra rules, new ships; some Chapter Approved, along with scenarios, general articles on BFG, and fiction. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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The Eldar Webway Contains Eldar ship names, unique weapons/equipment, and an appendix. Not yet updated regularly, but is supposed to eventually include an Eldar fiction section. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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The Official Site of the Battlefleet Gothic Mailing List Extremely extensive with numerous sections on new ships, tactics, weapons, campaign rules, and painting/modeling information. Other features include a thorough Q & A, a detailed naming pool, much material from Andy Chambers, and a chat room. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Battlefleet Gothic Includes their fleets, video, and information. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Space Coast Garrison BFG Gallery A club page featuring the exploits of 4 players who each own one of the major races. 27 battle pictures of various scenarios from league play give a sense of how BFG actually looks/develops on a real-life table top. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Blackstone Six Contains conversions, tactics, new ship rules, and news. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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