Directory > Games > Online > MUDs > MOOs > Roleplaying and Fantasy Trueland Home Page Situated in the 'TrueLand' Om, this game focuses on politics and intrigue. The MOO is heavily modified to make it easier for MUSH-familiar people to use. Site offers extended theme information, assistance to players and links to Trueland-related logs, fiction and art. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Space Conquest II Science-fiction themed MOO situated in the aftermath of a major catastrophe which caused a large wormhole to become a universe sucker. Three races, the Humans, the Kzinti and the B'ortha have been trying to flee this disaster. Site provides information about the MOO and its theme. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Arcana MOO Based on a "generic fantasy mishmash" theme. Taking inspiration from several different sources, it allows for both coded and non-coded (role-play) interactions. Thematic and introductory information available at the site. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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CyberSphere Post-apocolyptic theme, large loyal playerbase, strict roleplaying game adherence (generally), guns, bombs, mutants, wastes and a tribute to natural selection. Site provides information about the game and how to play it. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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City MOO Based on a fictional city in the United States, similar to current cities. Offers a webinterface to rooms, objects, help pages and players. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Sindome Set in 2085, in a domed city in a post-apocalyptic world. Cybernetics, a 3D layout system, high technology, high style and low class in one. Site offers information about the MOO and the people who play it. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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LostAges Moo Medieval based MOO with coded combat, although non-coded RP is encouraged. Sites offers information about the MOO, a player list and access to the MOO's mailing lists. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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