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Restaurant Empire
Directory > Games > Video Games > Simulation > Business > Restaurant Empire

Web Sitesi

GamingExcellence.com Review: Restaurant Empire
[7.7/10] By Jason Murphy. "It is a highly addictive business simulation that keeps players on
their feet as they try to satisfy customers' complaints, discover new recipes, and build a
successful business empire."

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

The Adrenaline Vault | PC Review | Restaurant Empire
[4/5] By Richard Leader. "Restaurant Empire is a worthy addition to the tycoon genre and
maintains a level of credibility that fans cannot afford to overlook."

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

IGN Preview
By Dan Adams. "Every now and again, during the course of the adventure portion of the game,
you'll also be able to enter cooking contests to raise your skill level, gain new recipes, and win
awards that will add to your coffers."

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Trevor Chan's Restaurant Empire Review for PC at GameSpot
[7.7/10] By Bob Colayco. "...[D]espite a slightly flawed interface and presentation, provides
an enjoyable and deep strategy experience."

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Restaurant Empire
Official site. Offers patches and add-ons, press coverage, game features, discussion forum and
screen shots. Available in English, French and German.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

3DAvenue: Restaurant Empire Review
[72/100] By Nathan Davison. "With Restaurant Empire, it needs to create a following and pose
as a good game at the same time, and it does a respectful job, it just falls a little short in the

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check


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