Directory > Health > Child Health > Pediatric Rehabilitation > Neurorehabilitation Pediatric Neurosurgery The pediatric neurosurgery team, as well as the inpatient and outpatient practice, is housed in the Children's Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. All aspects of routine and highly specialized pediatric neurosurgery are performed by our team of pediatric neurosurgeons. Our mission is to provide the highest quality of neurosurgical care to our patients and families through clinical and surgical expertise, compassion, understanding, and education. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Neurologic Rehabilitation Institute of Ontario Specializing in brain injuries, clinical and community rehabilitation, and school re-entry programs Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Welcome to ReMed: Excellence in Neurorehabilitation ReMed provides rehabilitation and long term care for people with acquired brain injury, neurologic injuries and illness, and autism. ReMed has three distinct systems of care - a short-term/intensive rehabilitation program, a long-term supported living program and an outpatient program. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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