Dave's Home-Made Tugger A make-it-yourself foreskin restoration device for under $6. Photos and instructions. http://www.norm.org/DaveHomemadeTugger.pdf ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
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Tegaderm and Theraband (TNT) Tegaderm is a brand of flexible tape. Theraband is stretchable rubber tubing frequently used in medical applications. The two can be combined to make a restoration device. These downloadable PDF files provide instructions. http://homepage.mac.com/WebObjects/FileSharing.woa/wa/default?user=rmpayne&templatefn=FileS.... ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
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Snap-On T-Tape Weight Drawings and text for making a simple weight that will attach to the foreskin and won't slip off. http://www.geocities.com/don_touch_me/index.html ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
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G-tapes A homespun method to apply more tension to the top of the penile skin. Brief description and pictures. http://geocities.com/kotuggin/ ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
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