Disclosure: Two-for-One CBC news program explores the use of the drug as an oral contraceptive despite it never having been approved for that use in Canada. http://cbc.ca/disclosure/archives/030114_diane/main.html ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
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Dianette Product information from Schering in PDF format. [Acrobat Reader required] http://www.clissmann.com/pil/dianette.pdf ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
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Dianette Features information about the use of this drug in the treatment of hirsutism and polycystic ovarian syndrome. http://www.dundee.ac.uk/medicine/tayendoweb/images/dianette.htm ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
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Diane-35 Cyproterone acetate and ethinyl estradiol. Combined acne treatment and oral contraceptive. Features information about the pill, FAQs, and tips. http://www.diane35.com/ ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
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