Securing Your Organization's Information Assets Examines the tools and techniques that help organizations gain and maintain control of the problem of effectively securing their information assets. By Bill Brykczynski and Bob Small in Crosstalk. ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
Whois Check
Valuing Information Assets in UK Companies Report on research about the research on the valuation of information assets from the Library and Information Commission. ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
Whois Check
Social Capital An introduction for a doctoral seminar about Systems and Social Capital. By Michael B. Spring. ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
Whois Check
Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling for Corporate Memory Examines the steps of the knowledge capitalization process in a metallurgical domain, focusing on general characteristics which seem to be reusable for other knowledge capitalization systems. By Gaƫle Simon. ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
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