Directory > Regional > Europe > Denmark > Counties > Funen > Arts and Entertainment > Museums Zoologisk Museum Svendborg You can experience the animal heritage of Europe and get close to the giants of the sea: the whales. Denmark´s largest collection of Danish birds contains everything from eagles, vultures and owls to storks, woodpeckers and firecrests. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Valdemarsslot There are three museums: A big-game trophy museum filling two stories in the main house, the Danish Yachting Museum and, Denmarks largest and most extensive manor house museum. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Egeskov Castle Visit the castle from 1554, the fuchsia garden, the herb garden, the English garden, the country garden, the Piet Hein maze, veteran museum with cars, aircrafts, motor cycles, mopeds, carriages, and Denmark's largest Kompan playground. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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