National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship NFTE is an academic and life skills curriculum that teaches young people business start up skills by developing a range of key entrepreneurial competencies. The programme is supported by student and teacher materials including an Internet based self-teaching programme BizTech developed and sponsored by Microsoft. NFTE also runs summer camps. ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
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Shabang Young Enterprise producer of stylish vinyl clocks. Liquidated in 1998. ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
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Space Monkeys This site set up by a young enterprise group offers a range of custom made vinyl clocks. Contains video and written displays of the group's progress. ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
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Young Enterprise National education charity founded in 1963 to forge links between schools and industry. Its mission is to inspire and equip young people to learn and succeed through enterprise ReviewsRating: Not yet Rated
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