Directory > Regional > Europe > United Kingdom > Society and Culture > History > Parliament > Prime Ministers
Addington, Henry (1)
Eden, Sir Anthony (5)
Peel, Sir Robert (3)
Asquith, Herbert Henry (5)
Fitzroy, Augustus Henry (2)
Pelham, Henry (2)
Atlee, Clement (3)
Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot (2)
Pelham Holles, Thomas (3)
Baldwin, Stanley (4)
Gladstone, William Ewart (20)
Perceval, Spencer (3)
Balfour, Arthur (2)
Gordon, George Hamilton (2)
Petty, William (3)
Blair, Tony (10)
Grenville, George (6)
Pitt, William the Elder (8)
Bonar Law, Andrew (3)
Grenville, William Wyndham (3)
Pitt, William the Younger (4)
Callaghan, James (6)
Grey, Charles (3)
Primrose, Archibald Philip (2)
Campbell Bannerman, Sir Henry (2)
Heath, Edward (5)
Robinson, Frederick John (2)
Canning, George (2)
Jenkinson, Robert Banks (3)
Russell, John (3)
Cavendish, William (1)
Lamb, William (4)
Stanley, Edward Geoffrey Smith (2)
Cavendish Bentinck, William Henry (3)
Lloyd George, David (3)
Stuart, John (2)
Chamberlain, Arthur Neville (5)
MacDonald, James Ramsay (5)
Thatcher, Margaret Hilda (20)
Churchill, Sir Winston (16)
Macmillan, Harold (2)
Walpole, Robert (2)
Compton, Spencer (1)
Major, John (4)
Watson Wentworth, Charles (2)
Disraeli, Benjamin (9)
North, Frederick (2)
Wellesley, Arthur (7)
Douglas Home, Sir Alec (2)
Palmerston, Henry John Temple (2)
Wilson, Harold (7)
British Prime Ministers A list of Prime Ministers from 1721 to today; includes some biographies. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
Whois Check
Britannia Government: Prime Ministers Short biographies on every British Prime Minister since Walpole (1721). From Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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PMs in History - 10 Downing Street Profiles of all prime ministers since Robert Walpole in 1721, including portraits from the Government Art Collection. From the official site of the Prime Minister. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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