Directory > Regional > Middle East > Palestinian Territory > News and Media > Articles US report urges Arafat to use torture for peace Describing a recommendation from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies that the Palestinian Authority abandon any notion of due process, and incarcerate and even torture opponents of the Oslo process. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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An Intifada in search of a leadership Describing how the Palestinian Authority failed to demonstrate itself as incapable either of offering support to residents under its authority in the face of Israeli military action, or of initiating activities that could be defined as a civil uprising. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Arafat's Executions PA executes two as collaborators without a fair trial - yet is itself the real collaborator with Zionism. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Repression, Censorship and Co-optation Alleging that the Palestinian Authority was a client regime of the West, put in place to oppress, intimidate, and coopt the Palestinian people. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Can the PA be Rehabilitated (by Salah Musa) Incompetence bordering on treason - Israel uses the PA to police the Palestinians while it tightens its grip on the land and calls this peace. Anytime is right to replace bankrupt leadership. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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The Great Betrayal: a Homegrown Second Nakba While posturing and mouthing liberation cliches, the hypocritical Palestinian Authority elite are getting rich by collaborating with the occupation. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Put Our House in Order, and Focus Our Fire Elder statesman Dr. Haider Abdul Shafi calls for overdue Palestinian elections, democracy, and organized resistance. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Israel is Right: Visual Media Favor Palestinians Martyrdom on the street is the price of dilettantism in the PLO leadership. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Palestinians want reforms, too, but not on US and Israeli terms Describing Israel and the United States oppose elections and demand reforms that will sideline Arafat and protect Israel, while the Palestinians desire elections and reforms that will provide them with honest security forces that protect them.,2763,713140,00.html Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Reform of the Palestinian Authority Analyzing what it will take to reform the Palestinian Authority as it seeks to rebuild its infrastructure, shattered by recent Israeli military incursions. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Six Men Who Could Be Contenders to Lead Palestinians if Arafat Goes Portraits of possible successors. [Free registration required] Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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The new Palestinian elite Describing the warnings of researchers that if the Palestinian authority's corrupt and inefficient leaders are driven from office, they are likely to be replaced with leaders who, although honest and talented, are also religious extremists associated with Hamas. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Like occupied, like occupier Suggesting that both sides in the conflict engage in overstatement and wishful thinking, and that Israel's attacks on the Palestinian Authority, its buildings and institutions, and Palestinian civil society have been misguided and counterproductive. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Fatah says it will end attacks on Israeli civilians Describing Fatah's unilateral halt to attacks on Israeli civilians and declaration that it will try to prevent other militant Palestinian groups carrying out suicide bombings and other such attacks.,2763,789896,00.html Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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