Directory > Regional > North America > United States > Government > Legislative Branch > Senate > Members
Akaka, Daniel K. [D-HI] (4)
Dole, Elizabeth [R-NC] (4)
Lincoln, Blanche L. [D-AR] (4)
Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] (4)
Domenici, Pete V. [R-NM] (4)
Lott, Trent [R-MS] (4)
Allard, Wayne [R-CO] (4)
Dorgan, Byron L. [D-ND] (4)
Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN] (4)
Allen, George [R-VA] (4)
Durbin, Richard [D-IL] (4)
McCain, John [R-AZ] (4)
Baucus, Max [D-MT] (4)
Edwards, John [D-NC] (4)
McConnell, Mitch [R-KY] (4)
Bayh, Evan [D-IN] (4)
Ensign, John [R-NV] (4)
Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD] (4)
Bennett, Robert F. [R-UT] (4)
Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] (4)
Miller, Zell [D-GA] (4)
Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] (4)
Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI] (4)
Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] (4)
Bingaman, Jeff [D-NM] (4)
Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] (4)
Murray, Patty [D-WA] (4)
Bond, Christopher S. 'Kit' [R-MO] (4)
Fitzgerald, Peter G. [R-IL] (4)
Nelson, Bill [D-FL] (4)
Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] (4)
Frist, William H. [R-TN] (4)
Nelson, E. Benjamin [D-NE] (4)
Breaux, John B. [D-LA] (4)
Graham, Bob [D-FL] (4)
Nickles, Don [R-OK] (4)
Brownback, Sam [R-KS] (4)
Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] (4)
Pryor, Mark L. [D-AR] (4)
Bunning, Jim [R-KY] (4)
Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] (4)
Reed, Jack [D-RI] (4)
Burns, Conrad R. [R-MT] (4)
Gregg, Judd [R-NH] (4)
Reid, Harry [D-NV] (4)
Byrd, Robert C. [D-WV] (4)
Hagel, Chuck [R-NE] (4)
Roberts, Pat [R-KS] (4)
Campbell, Ben Nighthorse [R-CO] (4)
Harkin, Tom [D-IA] (4)
Rockefeller, John D. 'Jay', IV [D-WV] (4)
Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] (4)
Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] (5)
Santorum, Rick [R-PA] (4)
Carper, Thomas R. [D-DE] (4)
Hollings, Ernest F. 'Fritz' [D-SC] (5)
Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD] (4)
Chafee, Lincoln [R-RI] (4)
Hutchison, Kay Bailey [R-TX] (4)
Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] (4)
Chambliss, Saxby [R-GA] (4)
Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] (4)
Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] (4)
Clinton, Hillary Rodham [D-NY] (4)
Inouye, Daniel K. [D-HI] (4)
Shelby, Richard C. [R-AL] (4)
Cochran, Thad [R-MS] (4)
Jeffords, James M. [I-VT] (4)
Smith, Gordon H. [R-OR] (4)
Coleman, Norm [R-MN] (4)
Johnson, Tim [D-SD] (4)
Snowe, Olympia J. [R-ME] (4)
Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] (4)
Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA] (4)
Specter, Arlen [R-PA] (4)
Conrad, Kent [D-ND] (4)
Kerry, John F. [D-MA] (6)
Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] (4)
Cornyn, John [R-TX] (4)
Kohl, Herb [D-WI] (4)
Stevens, Ted [R-AK] (4)
Corzine, Jon S. [D-NJ] (4)
Kyl, Jon [R-AZ] (4)
Sununu, John E. [R-NH] (4)
Craig, Larry E. [R-ID] (4)
Landrieu, Mary L. [D-LA] (4)
Talent, Jim [R-MO] (4)
Crapo, Michael D. [R-ID] (4)
Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ] (4)
Thomas, Craig [R-WY] (4)
Daschle, Thomas A. [D-SD] (5)
Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] (4)
Voinovich, George V. [R-OH] (4)
Dayton, Mark [D-MN] (4)
Levin, Carl [D-MI] (4)
Warner, John [R-VA] (4)
DeWine, Mike [R-OH] (4)
Lieberman, Joseph I. [D-CT] (4)
Wyden, Ron [D-OR] (4)
Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT] (4)
Senate Calendar - 108th Congress Documents including Senate Membership, and Committee Assignments, courtesy of the U.S. Senate on the United States Government Printing Office web site. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Senate Phone List Senate list of members' suite and phone numbers in pdf format, updated every couple of weeks at the beginning of a new Congress. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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New Senators Newcomers to the U.S. Senate are listed here, with photographs and links to their respective web sites. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Access U.S. Senators Senate listing of members' home pages, email addresses, names, telephone numbers, surface mail addresses, and other contact information. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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