Directory > Regional > North America > United States > Government > Military > Navy > Installations U.S. Naval Observatory America's official timekeeper, providing accurate spoken time based on the USNO Atomic Clock, GPS, Loran and Omega time information, U.S. time zone conversions, and other pertinent timekeeping information. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Surface Combat Systems Center, Wallops Island, VA Provide surface combat systems to support Fleet operations, testing, training, engineering, and development in a maritime environment. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Portsmouth Naval Shipyard The Shipyard's primary mission is the overhaul, repair, modernization, and refueling of LOS ANGELES Class nuclear powered submarines. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Navy Region Northwest Puget Sound is the U.S. Navy's third largest fleet concentration area. The Department of the Navy spends about $2.8 billion annually in the region, which is home to approximately 26,000 active duty members, 16,000 civilian employees, 6,000 drilling reservists, 80,000 family members, and 45,000 Navy retirees. Region installations and facilities occupy more than 28,000 acres of land. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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NavRadSta (R) Northwest Page Personal collection of images of Naval Radio Station (R) Northwest, Chesapeake, VA. Includes history of the base and crew members pages. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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