Directory > Regional > North America > United States > Society and Culture > Organizations > Local Currency Systems Gainesville Hours Gainesville, Florida Barter Network issues local currency for the purpose of local economic activity and exchange between all individuals, businesses and non-profits. Lists of good and services, how it works, and meeting calendar are featured. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Ithaca HOURS Ithaca, New York. Pioneering local money program tbat inspired dozens around the US and the world. Describes how it works, development and history of local currencies, media coverage over the years, how to start and maintain your own local currency, list of businesses accepting HOURS, and a local currency starter kit. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Madison HOURS Madison, Wisconsin-based cooperative that seeks to develop a local currency. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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BloomingHOURS Bloomington, Indiana's hometown paper money bills. They give us a way to trade and barter with each other, to work together more, and to build friendships through sharing our talents. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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