Directory > Science > Astronomy > Institutions > Observatories > Future > Optical and Infrared Visible and Infrared Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) [ground] a 4-m Wide Field Survey telescope for the Southern Hemisphere. It will be sited on Cerro Paranal, Chile. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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4m International Liquid Mirror Telescope Project Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Swedish 50-meter Optical Telescope [ground] Lund Observatory is proposing to construct a telescope with a 50-m primary mirror and full adaptive optics. Such a telescope could have a resolution of about 2 milliarcseconds. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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OWL Concept Study [ground] ESO (the European Southern Observatory) is developing a concept of ground-based, 100-m class optical telescope christened OWL for its keen night vision and for OverWhelmingly Large. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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The Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) Project [ground] The goal of the LBT project is to construct a binocular telescope consisting of two 8.4 meter mirrors on a common mount. This telescope will be equivalent in light-gathering power to a single 11.8 meter instrument. Because of its binocular arrangement, the telescope will have a resolving power (ultimate image sharpness) corresponding to a 22.8 meter telescope. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) [ground] An 11-meter telescope with a hexagonal mirror array, the largest single telescope in the southern hemisphere. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) [ground] a 4-m Schmidt telescope with a 5-degree field of view and active optics. The available large focal plane of 1.75 meters in diameter may accommodate up to 4000 fibers, by which the collected light of distant and faint celestial objects down to 20.5 magnitude is fed into the spectrographs, promising a very high spectrum acquiring rate of several ten-thousands of spectra per night. The telescope will be located at the Xinglong Station of Beijing Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The project is planned to be completed in 2004. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC) Project [ground] A high performance segmented 10.4 meter telescope to be installed in one of the best sites of the Northern Hemisphere: the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain). Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Dark Matter Telescope (DMT) [ground] is a proposed 8.4 meter, 3-degree-field, synoptic survey telescope. The product of collecting area and field of view will be 20 times more powerful than any observatory now operating or under construction. The possibility of repeatedly surveying large portions of the sky to unprecedented depth opens a range of unique scientific opportunities. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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California Extremely Large Telescope (CELT) [ground] Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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