Directory > Science > Astronomy > Institutions > Observatories > Future > X-ray and Gamma-ray > Spectrum-X-Gamma Satellite Spectrum Röntgen Gamma (SRG) Danish Space Research Institute page. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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The US Spectrum-X-Gamma Coordination Facility Spectrum-X-Gamma (SXG) is an international high-energy astrophysics observatory which is being built under the leadership of the Russian Space Research Institute (IKI). The US SXG CF supports the US astronomical community in obtaining information about SXG, proposing for and making SXG observations, and performing archival research using the SXG archive. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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The Silicon X-Ray Array (SIXA) onboard Spectrum-X-Gamma The detector will consist of 19 Si(Li) segments, each with an active diameter of 9.2 mm (3.95 arc minutes on the sky). The total field of view of the array will be 25 arc minutes. The spectral resolution of 200 eV (at 6 keV), combined with the large collecting area, provides good opportunities, for example, for time-resolved iron line spectroscopy (6.4-6.9 keV). Potential observing programmes include stellar coronae, molecular clouds, cataclysmic variables and X-ray binaries; accretion discs and coronae of neutron stars and black hole candidates; supernova remnants, active galactic nuclei, clusters of galaxies and the diffuse cosmic X-ray background. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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