Directory > Society > Issues > Health > Alcohol > Drunk Driving > 08 BAC Standard MADD - .08 BAC per se - Issue Brief A summary of the statistics and science behind MADD's support of .08 BAC per se laws.,1056,7584,00.html Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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NHTSA - The Relationship of Alcohol Safety Laws to Drinking Drivers in Fatal Crashes Voas and Tippetts look at the impact of .08 BAC per se and administrative license revocation laws on decreasing alcohol-related deaths. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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NHTSA - Federal .08 BAC Standard A fact sheet describing the financial sanctions states face if they do not pass a .08 blood alcohol content standard. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Pioneer Press - A Sobering Road Test Minnesota article detailing a reporter who tested the difference between a .10 and .08 BAC on an obstacle course. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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NHTSA - Presidential Initiative for Making .08 BAC the National Legal Limit The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's guide supporting .08, including an overview, FAQ, studies, key laws, and specific goals. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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NCADD - Effectiveness of .08 Per Se Laws Resources supporting a .08 BAC standard, including studies, impairment charts, state laws, and other resources. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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