Directory > Society > Organizations > Lineage > American Wars and Conflicts United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada Lineage society with membership based upon descendancy to a loyalist who worked to promote the interest of Great Britain during the American Revolution. Provides membership criteria, branch chapter information and contacts, The Loyalist Gazette, and links to other Loyalist sites. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Society of the Cincinnati Historical information about the Society's foundations, objections and Congression opposition, and sentiment in France. From the Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia Library. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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The Society Of The Cincinnati of Pennsylvania The oldest military hereditary society in the United States. Dedicated to preserving and increasing public awareness of the importance of the Revolutionary War era and its men to the history of our nation. Membership is open to descendants of Continental Army and Navy officers who were original members, who died in service, or who joined in their lifetime and passes by right through the eldest son of the eldest surviving son successively from the Original Member. Provides history of society, membership, articles on the Revolutionary War, contacts, and links. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Alamo Defenders Descendants Association Organization of direct descendents of the Americans who defended the Alamo during the Mexican-American War. Objectives, history, events and memorial days, profiles of the defenders, and related links. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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General Society War of 1812 Membership is gained through the State societies and is open to any male over the age of 21 who is the lineal blood descendant of one who served during the War of 1812, in the army, navy, revenue-marine, or privateer service of the United States. Provides information on the society, listing of state society contacts, history of the War of 1812, timeline, awards, and online search. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Connecticut Heredity organization open to the descendants of the Officers in the Continental Army who served during the American Revolution. Offers information on the society objectives, membership requirements, and contacts. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Descendants of Washington's Army at Valley Forge Formed in 1976 and based in Valley Forge, PA, this lineage society is open to any person of proven direct blood descent from an officer or enlisted man who served in the military units of the Continental Line under the direct command of General George Washington any part of the six months while he and they were headquartered at Valley Forge, December 19, 1777 to June 19, 1778. Provides membership information, history and objectives of the society, events and activities, brigades, patriot roster, ancestor listings, and contacts. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Dames of the Court of Honor Lineage society founded in 1921 with membership open to women who are of lineal descent from a commissioned officer of one or more of the American wars between the years 1607 through 1865. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Descendants of Mexican War Veterans A non-profit, non-political, national lineage society chartered by the State of Texas whose purposes are historical, genealogical, educational and charitable in nature. Membership is open to the lineal or collateral blood descendants of any U.S. military or patriotic veteran who rendered honorable service in the war with Mexico between 1846 and 1848. Offers membership information and forms, activities and events, programs, and historical data on the Mexican and Texas conflicts. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Created in 1865 upon the death of Abraham Lincoln, and originally composed of Union Officers, it is now a fraternal lineage society composed of direct male descendants of those Union officers of the US Army, Navy and Marines who served in the Civil War. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Dames of the Loyal Legion National society for female lineal decendants of Union Officers who fought in the American Civil War. Provides membership requirements, history of society, objectives, contacts, and links. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War Sororial lineage society comprised of direct descendants of veterans of the Federal US Army who fought in the defense and for the preservation of the Union during the American Civil War. Honoring the memory of those ancestors through service projects which are of benefit to the public in a local, State and National level. Offers membership requirements, state listings, society departments, projects, history, and links. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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