Directory > Society > Philosophy > Continental Philosophy > Hermeneutics Expanding Hermeneutics Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Buddhist Hermeneutics Paul Griffiths' review of the book, "Buddhist Hermeneutics" from the journal, Philosophy East & West, Vol.40 No.2 April 1990. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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A Hermeneutic and Rhetoric of Dreams An essay by Cyd C. Ropp at Janus Head Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Applied Hermeneutics Bibliography with the following categories: Hermeneutics and Cognitive Science; Literary Hermeneutics; Hermeneutics and Economics; Hermeneutics and Education; Interpretation in Medicine, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy; and Animal Behavior. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
Whois Check Hermeneutics Links to 29 articles exploring various aspects of hermeneutics. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Preaching in a Postmoder Wor[l]d: Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics Drawing on the Gadamer's "Truth and Method," Jeffrey F. Bullock, explores a way of developing a homily "that is a process of ongoing conversation rather than a method of retrieval and/or representation of biblical texts." Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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A Hermeneutical Approach to Modern Science: Extending Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutics. . . . . An Essay extending Ricoeur's work in hermeneutics into the biophysical sciences, in the hopes of developing "a framework for the mythological treatment of modern scientific cosmology which can help us productively reframe and reshape the content and culture of science." Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Nick Szabo -- Hermeneutics Overview of Philosophical hermeneutics with relevance to practical applications such as the development of common law, computational theory, and evolution. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity Essay by physicist, Alan Sokal, teasing philosophical implications from quantum mechanics, with a view to accomodating some feminist and poststructuralist critiques of the ideology of domination perceived to be inherent in the discourse of much of the scientific community. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Some Principles of Phenomenological Hermeneutics An essay offering a brief overview of hermeneutics designed for students of literary theory. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Hermeneutics 101 Hermeneutics, a method of textual analysis, means to interpret. Hermeneutics is an artful form of understanding and a process of exposing hidden meanings. Historically, hermeneutics has been associated with the interpretation of biblical texts. This presentation will provide a historical background of hermeneutics. The evolution of hermeneutics will be discussed, as well as the philosophical influences of Husserl, Heidegger, and Gadamer. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Dialogue and Conversation: The Contribution of Gadamer, Habermas, Bohm and Others Article from The Encyclopedia of Informal Education exploring the related notions of dialogue and conversation in the thinking of Hans-Georg Gadamer, Paulo Freire, Jürgen Habermas, and David Bohm. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Philosophical Hermeneutics, or Theories of Interpretation Sample syllabus of Dr. Harry Reeder's regularly taught (graduate & undergraduate)course on hermeneutics - this course will begin with a consideration of the background of philosophical hermeneutics (theories of interpretation) in modern philosophy (Descartes, Hume, Kant, Dilthey). Then it will follow the hermeneutic tradition in philosophy as it develops in the twentieth century, through a philosophical examination of the works of Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jürgen Habermas, and Paul Ricoeur. In addition, we will examine the independent yet in part parallel philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Richard E. Palmer Richard Palmer has been one of America's leading experts in Hermeneutic philosophy for decades. His textbook, "Hermeneutics" is well know to all who have studied in the field. His personal webpage contains a wealth of hermeneutic information, including the full text of four articles and an extensive bibliographic resource for those studying Gadamer. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Rhetorical Hermeneutics This volume provides thoughtful answers to a surprisingly large number of significant questions in the rhetoric of science and in rhetorical theory generally. Unlike most anthologies, there is no issue of continuity in this one. It contains treatments of the field's most central issues and has a group of well-known authors who, in fact, have helped to define the field. It should have a wide readership because of its topical interest, its attention to basic theoretical issues, and its presentation of high quality academic debate. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
Whois Check Reviews of Books about Gadamer's Hermeneutics Word Trade, describing itself as "an independent review agency serving the public, scholars, libraries, and booksellers," here provides reviews of books on or by Gadamer, including: Gadamer In Conversation: Reflections and Commentary by Hans Georg Gadamer; HERMENEUTICS AND THE VOICE OF THE OTHER: Re-reading Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics by James Risser; DIALOGUE & DECONSTRUCTION: The Gadamer Derrida Encounter by Diane P. Michelfelder. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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The Hermeneutics of Postmodernity and after Article by Gary B. Madison at the conference, "After Post-modernism," highlighting the moral optimism of the hermeneutic branch of postmodern thought in opposition to "the dead-end of relativism and nihilism" characterized by poststructuralism and neopragmatism. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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International Institute of Hermeneutics An autonomous, international, and interdisciplinary research institute, founded to foster and articulate a general hermeneutics, a task demanding an intensive interdisciplinary collaboration on a level that does not yet exist in the contemporary university. It has a particular concentration in philosophy, religious studies, and comparative literature. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Postmetaphysical Hermeneutics: When Practice Triumphs Over Theory Article by Kurt Anders Richardson. It argues that Hermeneutics has come forward as that comprehensive standpoint from which to view all the projects of human learning. For those of us who have been puzzled by the new intellectual dominance of hermeneutics, the key is that the term no longer refers to the interpretation of texts only but encompasses all the ways in which subjects and objects are involved in human communication. Some of the leading implications of these developments in the practice of interpretation will be discussed below. The outlook I will be interacting with here is variously known by the terms neo-pragmatism, consensus theory, communicative theory. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Education and Philosophical Hermeneutics Essay by James M. Giarelli as a response to the article of David Blacker. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Education as the normative dimesion of philosophical Hermeneuticas An article by David Blacker, that attempts to renew a dialogically-grounded humanism, an old educational ideal that finds the beginnings of a compelling and novel defense in the philosophical hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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History as the Handmaiden for Hermeneutics An Issue of PREMISE (October 1995), which contain different on-line articles on hermeneutics. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Paul Ricoeur and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion:A Brief Overview and Critique Hermeneutics is both science and art. In many ways this beguilingly simple statement is responsible for the modern ferment in hermeneutics - a process begun with F. Schleiermacher (1768-1834) and his attempt to gain meaning through understanding the mind of the author; given significant impetus more recently in the seminal work of Hans-Georg Gadamer and his call for a dialectic between the horizons of the text and reader; and radicalized in the increasingly reader-response oriented hermeneutics of today. Ricoeur's hermeneutic of suspicion represents his attempt to retain both science and art, whilst disallowing either an absolute status. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Hermeneutics in Russia Hermeneutics in Russia is an international quarterly intended to answer questions about the problems of hermeneutics. Problems of reflectivity, interpretation and forming readiness for understanding will also be discussed. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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References on Hermeneutics Prepared by Allen S. Lee and distributed in the 1991 International Conference on Information Systems workshop, "Two Techniques for Qualitative Data Analysis: Analytic Induction and Hermeneutics." Revised, 1995. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Foundationalism and Hermeneutics Site about the interaction of hermeneutics and foundationalism. The interaction of hermeneutics and foundationalism is the same as the interaction of interpretation and reality. Our connection to reality may underdetermine the interpretation, leaving a range of possibilities, but it does impose a limit to interpretation, determining a certain range. What hermeneutics and foundationalism really represent, however, is something logically more precise. Hermeneutics is about interpretation, which is about meaning, which is about what is understood. Foundationalism is about reality, which is about truth, which is about what is known. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Hermeneutics: From Textual Explication to Computer Understanding? Article by John C. Mallery, Roger Hurwitz, Gavan Duffy, which provides perspectives for a review of recent hermeneutically-oriented Artificial Intelligence research. Offers a thorough overview of the development of philosophical hermeneutics from Schleiermacher to Gadamer with sections: Classical Methodological Hermeneutics, Philosophical Hermeneutics, Critical Hermeneutics, Phenomenological Hermeneutics, Hermeneutics as Meta-Science, and Hermeneutics in AI. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Hermeneutics and the Philosophy of Science Different articles of Prof. Patrick A. Heelan Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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