Directory > Society > Religion and Spirituality > Christianity > Denominations > Catholicism > Orders > Men's Orders > Marianist MARO Mirror Home page of the Marianist Apostolic Resource Office. MARO's mission is to publicize and raise funds for the ministries of the Marianists (Society of Mary) in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Religious Brothers and Priests of the Society of Mary - Province of the United States Becoming a Marianist Religious, living in community of equals, brothers and priests, modeling the Spirit of Mary and witnessing Christ's transforming presence. Visit the site and discern your future with the Marianists! Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Marianists Contains information in English, French, and Spanish on the comprehensive Marianist Family--the Society of Mary, the male order Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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