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Directory > Society > Religion and Spirituality > Christianity > People > Saints > B

Saints Barlaam and Josaphat (5) Saint Benedict of Aniane (7) Saint Blane (2)
Saints Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor, and Nazarius (2) Saint Benen (2) Saint Blathmac (2)
Saints Basilides, Tripos, and Companions (1) Saint Benignus of Dijon (2) Saint Boisil (3)
Saint Babylas (6) Saint Berach (2) Saint Bonaventure (14)
Saint Baithen of Iona (4) Saint Bercharius (3) Saint Boniface (13)
Saint Balbina of Rome (1) Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (16) Saint Boniface I (4)
Saint Barbara (10) Saint Bertha of Avenay (1) Saint Boniface IV (5)
Saint Barnabas the Apostle (6) Saint Bertha of Blangy (1) Saint Botulph (5)
Saint Bartholomew the Apostle (8) Saint Bertin (4) Saint Braulio (3)
Saint Basilides of Alexandria (3) Saint Bertulf (2) Saint Brenach (2)
Saint Basil of Amasea (2) Saint Beuno (4) Saint Brendan the Navigator (10)
Saint Basil the Great (49) Saint Bibiana (4) Saint Brieuc (2)
Saint Bathildis (6) Saint Birgitta of Sweden (26) Saint Brigid of Ireland (11)
Saint Bede the Venerable (27) Saint Birinus (3) Saint Bruno (4)
Saint Benedict (25) Saint Blaise (12) Saint Bruno of Querfurt (2)
Saint Benedict Biscop (5) Saint Blandina (4) Saint Burchard of Würzburg (3)
Saint Benedict II (4)

Web Sitesi

Catholic Encyclopedia: Saint Brogan
Several saints, also called Brocan, Broccan, Brochan, Bearchan, or Bearchanus. St. Brocan of Ross
Tuirc was the author of a hymn on St. Brigid; he is believed to have been an abbot. His feast day
is 17 September. It is uncertain whether he is the same person as St. Brocan the scribe,
celebrated 8 July. Saints of this name are also mentioned on 1 January, 9 April, 27 June, and 25

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Catholic Encyclopedia: Bertha
Brief biographies of five holy women named Bertha: two saints; two beatae; and one Bertha who is
commonly called a saint but there is no evidence of a cultus surrounding her.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Catholic Encyclopedia: Saints Basilissa
Several saints named Basilissa appear in martyrologies. We know next to nothing about any of them
except place of martyrdom, and sometimes the names of their spouses or companions in martyrdom.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Catholic Encyclopedia: Saints Basilides
Saints named Basilides are mentioned in old martyrologies on 10, 12, and 28 June. The first date
belongs to a Roman martyred on the Via Aurelia. The entry for June 12 appears to mix up several
stories, and this Basilides is most likely the same as the martyr of June 10. The third St.
Basilides was a soldier or court official martyred in Alexandria, who is mentioned in Eusebius's
Ecclesiastical History.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Catholic Encyclopedia: Saint Baldred
There is a St. Baldred, a Celt, bishop of Strathclyde, b. probably mid-sixth century, and said to
have been the immediate successor of St. Kentigern (Mungo) as bishop of Glasgow. Another St.
Baldred, also called Baltherus, was an Englishman, hermit and priest associated with the diocese of
Lindisfarne, who died in 756. Both the aforementioned saints are celebrated on 6 March. Finally,
some believe that the second St. Baldred is identical with St. Bilfritt or Bilfrid, a hermit
goldsmith whose work adorns the cover of the Gospels of St. Cuthbert (made 698-740).

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Catholic Encyclopedia: Saint Balbina
There are at least two saints of this name venerated at Rome. The first, Balbina of Rome, was,
according to legend, the unmarried daughter of a martyr named Quirinus, and was buried in the
catacomb of Praetextatus. The second St. Balbina has a catacomb named after her.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

For All the Saints: Saints of March 6
Covers St. Baldred, St. Balther, and St. Billfrith. If the first St. Baldred was the immediate
successor of St. Kentigern (d. 603), surely this profile is in error in saying that he died in 756.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check


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