Directory > Society > Religion and Spirituality > Divination > I Ching > History The Online Journal of the I Ching. Spring 2003 Showcases the history of ancient woman diviner clans in Hsia, Shang, and Chou Dynasties. Delves he reaches of Taoism, Buddhism, and Shamanism with emphasis on ancient women in the I Ching. Divination ethics as well as practical guidelines are provided as supplement to the latest discoveries and analysis. Crafted as the Li Commentary, or 12th Wing, it is primarily a reflection on the Sixth Wing and Lao Nauxian of the Cheng School of I Ching Divination. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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The Books of Changes Historical examination of Books of Changes (Lien Shan, Kuei Ts'ang and I Ching are the Books of Changes), starting from the construction by a woman named Yu 3940 years ago (painted on a shaman drum in the late Stone Age), which she called "Mountains Standing Together." It thereafter developed into what we know today as the 'I Ching' of the Chou Dynasty (which was fashioned by Chou King Wen). Has links to elaboration on Moon Phases, Divination, the I Ching, and access to 'The Inner Tide' website. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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I Ching Resources: History and Archaeology The I Ching's growth and development from unimaginably ancient origins is described by Hilary, whose analysis of its history is collected . Links to recommended sources, methods of generating hexagrams oneself, free readings and correspondence courses. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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A Brief History of the I Ching The legend and history behind the I Ching, from Fu Hsi to King Wen and sons. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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