Directory > Society > Religion and Spirituality > Divination > I Ching > Products "The I Ching For a New Age" Book reviews, preface, sample hexagram text, and errata for Robert G. Benson's New Age edition of the Chinese classic, published by Square One. Also provided are an overview of the history and stories about Shao Yung, and links for more information on I Ching. A shareware oracle program drawing from the book's text and using Shao Yung's Plum Blossom Method is available to download for free trial and purchase. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Tao Deck -- Consulting I Ching Through a New Doorway Cards facilitating consultation with the ancient Chinese oracle, I Ching. Includes basic information about history and symbolism, the Tao Deck and its artwork, plus purchase instructions. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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I Ching Seminar West North Carolina A Seminar on the I Ching set in beautiful Western North Carolina with Hugh Huntington. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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I-Ching Transformer Provides support, information, and news for the I-Ching Transformer (I-ChingX) software. I-ChingX does not place as much emphasis on the role of chance. Reflecting on the current situation, it focuses on strategies to compensate for imbalance or to oppose unfavourable developments. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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I Ching Gallery: Book of Changes Over 90 newly created images inspired by the ancient I Ching texts, with English and Swedish explanation on the use of the oracle, and link to a retrospective gallery. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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"I Ching: a 3000 Year Old Digital Computer" A book on I Ching, including information about trigrams, hexagrams, consulting Yin and Yang, synchronicity, ancient Chinese coins, yarrow stalks, divination, and Carl Jung. Features animated graphics. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Anthony Publishing Co. An independent book publisher and teaching company specializing in I Ching interpretation, meditation, way of life, and approach to relationship problems (business, intra-family, love). Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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