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Directory > Society > Religion and Spirituality > Scientology > Church of Scientology > Local Churches > Australia

Web Sitesi

Church of Scientology of Adelaide
The Church of Scientology of Adelaide offers services that teach how to offer practical help.
Information on these training and counseling services. Descriptions of Scientology and Dianetics
books. Community activities.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Church of Scientology of Canberra
The official home of Scientology in the ACT, the Church of Scientology of Canberra explains what
Scientology and Dianetics are, and provides a brief biographical profile of founder, L. Ron

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Church of Scientology of Sydney
The Church of Scientology of Sydney presents information on Scientology and Dianetics introductory
training and counseling services, and offers help to people new to Scientology to overcome stress,
anxiety and depression.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Church of Scientology of Perth
The Church of Scientology of Perth welcomes members of all faiths to visit, learn what Scientology
and Dianetics are, and attend a non-denominational Sunday Service aimed at helping people overcome
stress, anxiety and depression.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Church of Scientology of Brisbane
The Church of Scientology of Brisbane presents its view of man's spiritual nature. Includes brief
descriptions of main points of belief of the church, and the introductory services offered.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Church of Scientology of Melbourne
The Church of Scientology of Melbourne gives a brief description of Scientology and what services
it offers. Invitation to attend Sunday service; church hours and local map.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check


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