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Directory > Computers > Programming > Languages > C%2B%2B > C++Builder

ABC (3) FP (3) PL (13)
Ada (396) Frontier (57) PL-SQL (53)
ADL (2) Functional (56) Pliant (15)
Aleph (1) Garbage Collected (0) POP-11 (6)
Algol 60 (15) Goedel (3) Postscript (33)
Algol 68 (38) Haskell (54) Procedural (20)
APL (102) ICI (4) Prograph (25)
Assembly (192) Icon (6) Prolog (63)
Awk (21) IDL (16) Proteus (2)
BASIC (266) Intercal (15) Python (444)
Befunge (15) Interface (2) REBOL (154)
BETA (8) Interpreted (13) Reflective (9)
Bigwig (1) Io (8) Regular Expressions (105)
Blue (4) Java (3000) Rexx (220)
Brainfuck (17) JavaScript (539) Rigal (3)
C++ (802) LabVIEW (86) RPG (14)
C-sharp (137) Lagoona (3) Ruby (150)
Cecil (3) Language-OS Hybrids (10) S-Lang (2)
CHILL (3) Leda (5) SAS (50)
Clarion (44) Limbo (6) Sather (12)
Clean (6) Lisp (360) Scripting (50)
Clipper (32) Logic-based (47) SETL (6)
CLU (4) Lua (21) Simkin (5)
Cobol (146) m4 (2) Simula (7)
CobolScript (4) Mercury (3) Sisal (12)
Cocoa (5) Miranda (12) Smalltalk (322)
Comparison and Review (95) Miva (79) Snobol (7)
Compiled (2) ML (37) Specification (18)
Component Pascal (10) Modula-2 (30) SQL (35)
Concurrent (9) Modula-3 (8) Synchronous (13)
Constraint (44) Moto (3) T3X (2)
Curl (48) Multiparadigm (18) Tcl-Tk (110)
Database (2) Mumps (21) Tempo (2)
Dataflow (5) Oberon (66) TOM (4)
Declarative (3) Obfuscated (31) TRAC (5)
Delphi (519) Object-Oriented (49) Transcript (13)
Directories (18) Objective-C (17) Turing (12)
Dylan (20) Obliq (6) Visual (33)
Education (0) Occam (12) Visual Basic (471)
Eiffel (70) Open Source (2) Visual DialogScript (4)
ElastiC (2) Oz (4) Visual FoxPro (30)
Erlang (254) Pascal (87) Water (12)
Euphoria (25) Perl (957) Wirth (5)
Forth (268) PHP (1121) YAFL (3)
Fortran (714) Pike (7) Yorick (5)


Web Sitesi

Computer Languages History
Timeline for computer languages in the form of a diagram. Links to other sites enable to obtain
detailed texts about these different languages.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Programming language timelines.
Computer languages, their authors home pages, acronyms, creation dates, language types, tutorial
links, file extensions.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

An Introduction to Programming Languages
A page for people who know one language and are wondering about learning another.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

Introduction to Programming Languages
Book by Anthony A. Aaby.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

PC Webopaedia
Programming languages related terms.
Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check

The Retrocomputing Museum
Dedicated to programs that induce sensations that hover somewhere between nostalgia and nausea.The
freaks, jokes, and fossils of computing history.

Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated Whois Check


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