Directory > Science > Physics > Plasma > Books Principles of Plasma Spectroscopy Hans R. Griem. This is a comprehensive description of the theoretical foundations and experimental applications of spectroscopic methods in plasma research. It introduces the classical and quantum theory of radiation, detailed descriptions of line strengths and high density effects, and describes theoretical and experimental aspects of spectral line broadening. The book illustrates the concepts of continuous spectra, level kinetics and cross sections, thermodynamic equilibrium relations, radiative energy transfer, and radiative energy losses. The basics of plasma spectroscopy to density and temperature measurements and to the determination of some other plasma properties are also explored. Over one thousand references not only guide the reader to original research covered in the chapters, but also to experimental details and instrumentation. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Swallow Research Books Books in plasma physics by prominent Russian scientists Prof. Mesyats and Prof. Korolev of Russian Academy of Sciences. These monographs are addressed to specialists in field emission, vacuum and gas discharge. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Principles of Plasma Diagnostics I. A. Hutchison. Principles of Plasma Diagnostics is the most modern and comprehensive book in its field. It joins for the first time a body of knowledge previously scattered throughout scientific literature. The text is based on first-principles development of the required concepts, so it is accessible to students and researchers with little plasma physics background. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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RF Plasma Heating in Toroidal Fusion Devices V E Golant. Translation from the Russian. Provides an overview of the methods for RF heating of plasmas in toroidal fusion experiments. Topics covered include the interaction of electromagnetic waves with plasmas; electron cyclotron, ion cyclotron, lower hybrid, and Alfven wave heating techniques; and a comparison of plasma heating techniques. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR ( Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing M. Lieberman and A. Lichtemberg. This book discusses the fundamental principles of partially ionized, chemically reactive plasma discharges and their use in thin-film processing among other applications. http://diva.EECS.Berkeley.EDU:80/~lieber/Textbook2.html Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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