Directory > Society > Organizations > Lineage Stebbins Ancestral Society Lineage organization primarily for the descendents of Rowland Stebbins, immigrant to the US in 1630, but also other lines. Gedcom database available on site, as well as profiles of family branches, reunion schedule, and photo galleries. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Seguin Descendants Historical Preservation (SDHP) Formed in 2001 by direct descendants of Col. Juan N. Seguin to promote his memory and that of other Tejano heroes. Site includes Seguin biography, an Alamo account, organizational announcements and even information, and related historica and biographical links. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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Military Order of Foreign Wars Organization open to those in the US military service who served in any of the foreign and civil wars in which the US miliary took part, and also a heriditary order for descendants of those who served. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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International Society of Sons and Daughters of Slave Ancestry A non-profit lineage society with membership open to any individual who can prove slave ancestry, without regard to sex, race, color, creed, or national origin, to perpetuate the memory of the slave ancestors in America and around the world. Offers information on the society, membership requirements, slavery database, events, contacts, and links. Based in Chicago, IL. Reviews Rating: Not yet Rated
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